What is EquitySwing?
EquitySwing is an Aajyaan System. We have a contract with NASDAQ to receive market data. We are building an immensely profound analytics system that will provide every data point that exists for any stock at any point in time. As we like to say, it is "Not for the faint of heart". Currently we scan more than 9000 equities at any given time the market is open!
Purpose of EquitySwing?
Currently, we provide data on big block trades (including dark pools / black pools). Institutions trade in blocks and we catch them and show them to you! This is not a very commonly used information for stock analytics at the moment but we believe it is extremely powerful information. Some of the links on dark pools / black pools -
1. http://www.investopedia.com/articles/markets/050614/introduction-dark-pools.asp
2. http://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/dark_pool_liquidity.asp
3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_liquidity
How do I get membership?
Right now, membership is FREE! The data that is free now, will ALWAYS be free! At some point we do plan to have a pricing structure for ADDITIONAL analytics and features.